Have You ever Left in the middle of a service (a Hair Appointment, Manicure, Massage, Etc.) for any Reason?

Surprisingly, no, but there have been lots of times when I probably should’ve trusted my gut and said, “Screw this!!” to being polite, and just got up and left. It would’ve saved me lots of money and time.

The occurrence that still bugs me the most to this day — I can’t think about it without frowning and growling, grr! — was a massage at a fancy day spa that my friend Christine and I went to ideal before my wedding nine YEARS AGO.


You might think that the passage of nearly a decade would make the wound less painful, but noooo.

We made a decision to do a full-on girls’ day, so we both booked facials and massages at this high-end hotel day spa that charged high-end prices. I was in hardcore treat-yo’-self mode at the time because the wedding was in a couple days, and I figured, why not? It would give me a chance to relax, and I’d done all of the wedding planning by myself, so I was wound pretty tightly. (I would not suggest this to anyone. even though it saves money, it’s incredibly stressful… get thee some help! — especially if you’re doing a destination wedding. *steps off pulpit*)



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When it came time for my appointment, the massage therapist took me into a room which happened to be ideal next to the hotel gym, where there were multiple TVs with the volume turned up, and the noise boomed though the very thin walls. The sound from the TVs completely drowned out the tranquil whale songs that were being piped into the massage room, allegedly for my relaxation.

All throughout my massage, all I could hear was a TV sports announcer from the game that was on, dudes cheering the game in the gym and my teeth grinding as I got progressively a lot more aggravated… I asked the massage therapist if there was anything she could do, like if she could call the gym and ask them to turn the TV down, or maybe get me some earplugs, and she said no.

I should’ve just cut the massage short and asked for my money back ideal then and there, but I remained still like a bump on a log, naked and furious.

I think the reason this still bothers me is because I was a lot more concerned at the time about being polite than I was about my speaking up for myself. Now, in similar situations where I have the choice to either stay quiet or stick up for myself, I’m better about saying, “No, this is absolutely not OK.”

Still wish I could take my hot tub time maker back to that massage, though…


Oh, Karen, you really gotta learn to let that one go!

Have you ever left in the middle of a service (a hair appointment, manicure, massage, etc.) for any reason?

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,


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