5 recent makeup Revelations

1. nobody rocks bold lips to baby story time.

And all I have to say to that is WHY?! There’s a severe lack of bright red lips and hot pink lips on display at baby story time at the library, which bums me out, because mommies needs a little fun often (yes, I’m always checking out everyone’s makeup, even at baby story time).

Two weeks ago, one gal wore a medium pink gloss, and I wanted to high-five her!


I’m thinking about opting for deep green lips next time, just to keep things interesting.

2. speaking of lips, urban Decay Rehab makeup Prep lip balm is really, really good.

It tastes and smells like coconut, fits in the pocket of my Kate Spade wristlet (which is generally a enormous budget with a strap), is hella moisturizing, and my hair doesn’t get stuck in it.

That’s a lot of good all around for $15 at UD counters.


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3. There isn’t a single clean eye brush anywhere in this house at the moment.

Not one. I haven’t washed my eye brushes in WEEKS, and I don’t have a good reason. I’ve just been been putting it off, but I used the last clean one this morning (a flat shadow brush from NARS), so sh*t just got real.

In my defense, waiting as long as I have has forced me to get creative with my blending and to use my fingers a lot more often.

As the saying goes, laziness is the mother of invention.

4. I really want way Bandy’s creating Your face book.

Way Bandy was a makeup artist in the ’70s and ’80s (Kevyn Aucoin supposedly idolized him), and I’ve heard outstanding things about his book, which is meant to be very technical and detailed, which I would absolutely be into.

The only problem is that it’s out of print now, and the least expensive used copy on Amazon is $166!

I’ve seen the hardcovers choose nearly $500 (!) on eBay, which is craziness.

But I really want one.

5. I’m dying over this year’s Victoria Beckham Estée Lauder collection.

Oh! — the eye glosses and lipsticks!? I just wish Victoria would go ahead and release an entire makeup line of her own already. Why doesn’t she? I’d probably want every single thing…


Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,



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