To Powder or not to Powder?

Holla at me in the comments!
To powder, or not to powder — that is the question!

When I first started wearing makeup numerous moons ago, I thought face powder was a non-negotiable. it all started one day when I went to a Clinique counter with my mom, who really wasn’t then, and still isn’t now, into makeup, but, bless her heart, she did her best to indulge my interest.


The makeup artist at the counter made it sound like powder was an absolute must! — so for numerous years I believed that you absolutely had to wear powder, and that was the makeup gospel. (Cue the stern but heavenly angels.)

Did you ever feel that way? Or was that just me?

My outlook has changed over the past couple years, in large part because of my combination dry/oily skin. One day, after putting on a full face of makeup when my skin was leaning much more toward the dry side, I skipped powder.

I think I just forgot that day, to be honest!

But it ended up working out, and I really liked the way my skin looked without the powder. My foundation stayed in place, and my skin didn’t look as dry or flaky as usual… It was just one of those pleased makeup accidents.

Most of the time, I still wear face powder (especially when I’m taking pics or doing videos, because I do like how it looks on camera), but now I’m much more tactical about where I place it on my skin, like just on the oily areas — my forehead, nose and chin.

So, what’s your position on face powder, friend? Is it a non-negotiable, a semi-negotiable, or is it something you typically skip?


Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,



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